It is a not standard answer, it is the answer to question about the problem with JCK editor. "ARI Quiz Lite" is a free extension which is developed in spare time. It provides base functionality to create quizzes and tested with standard Joomla! editors.
In your case you can disable validator for question. For this open <joomla_directory>\administrator\components\com_ariquizlite\templates\question_add.html.php file and comment or remove the following code:
Code: |
new aris.validators.customValidator('zQuiz[Question]',
var isValid = true;
<?php echo $editor->save('zQuiz[Question]') ; ?>
var value = val.getValue();
isValid = (value && value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').length > 0);
return isValid;
{emptyValidate : true, errorMessage : "<?php AriQuizWebHelper::displayResValue('Validator.QuestionRequired'); ?>"}));
ARI Soft