Re:Virtuemart, OSE Membership, and ARI integration 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
Are you guys getting my emails? Can you email me a phone number and what your time zone is and what hours I can reach you? I am sure this problem can be rectified quickly.
Re:Virtuemart, OSE Membership, and ARI integration 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Was there a solution to this? Is there a guide that was created. This is almost exactly what i am trying to do however the only difference is that I wish to sell one course at a time to my students. (In addition to paid memberships such as you have described)
Would love to talk to you about your site and share some experiences. What is the url? I believe yours in in the health care field? Not my area of business so no worries..
Re:Virtuemart, OSE Membership, and ARI integration 13 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
versaman--these guys (Ari-Soft) came up with a solution of sorts, I am still running it through tests to see what has to be left enabled, which has what permissions, etc. I need to look at forum rules to see if this is allowable to exchange info from members, I would not break the rules here under any circumstances, but short answer to your question, the solution is about there I need to try to mess it up and see what mods will do what, etc.
Stay tuned
There is no PM system here, so I would imagine it is not a good idea to publish personal data.
To the Ari-Soft Team, you will hear from me soon, just about done it looks like. Great job so far.