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Trouble setting scores
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TOPIC: Trouble setting scores
Trouble setting scores 15 Years ago Karma: 0

Seeking guidance on how to set scores so that:

1. under a certain score prompts a retake of the quiz
2. over a certain score prompts passage to a registration page for membership to my client's site.
3. quiz results do not show ever, just that they either failed or passed.

Can someone assist?

Thanks much!!!

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Re:Trouble setting scores 15 Years ago Karma: 762

Regarding your questions:

1. and 2. You can use 'Result Scale' for this purpose. For this create text templates in 'Text Templates' section for the first and the second cases. Then open 'Result Scale' section and create new result scale, fill necessary score range in percent for the first case and choose appropriate text template in 'Text Template' field, do the same for the seconds case, save result scale. Open quiz settings page and choose result scale in 'Text Templates' drop-down. That's all.

3. If you don't want to show detailed results with correct answers, you can set 'Show Full Statistics' parameter to 'Never' in quiz settings.

ARI Soft
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Re:Trouble setting scores 15 Years ago Karma: 0
Thank you so much for the speedy reply. You guys are really awesome!!

I will follow your instructions. However, I don't think that you answered the 2nd part of #2, though. After passing the quiz, how do I get the registration page for membership to my client's site to automatically appear?

Thank you.

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Re:Trouble setting scores 15 Years ago Karma: 762
Unfortunately the component can't automatically redirect to necessary page at the end of a quiz. It can be done with help Joomla! plugin, but it requires additional coding or you can submit feature request here and we'll add this ability in a future release.

ARI Soft
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