I have been encountering this error:
500 - AriQuizModelUserQuiz::markQuizAsFinished() : La requête SQL suivante ne peut pas être exécutée 'UPDATE #__ariquizstatisticsinfo SET Status = 'Finished',EndDate = '',MaxScore = 100.000000,UserScore = 0.000000,UserScorePercent = 0.000000, Passed = 0, ElapsedTime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(StartDate) + UsedTime WHERE StatisticsInfoId = 132'. Détails: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '((unix_timestamp('') - unix_timestamp(`db_name`.`jos_ariquizstatisticsinfo`.`StartDate`)) + `nbiaa_coach`.`udyxr_ariquizstatisticsinfo`.`UsedTime`)' SQL=UPDATE udyxr_ariquizstatisticsinfo SET Status = 'Finished',EndDate = '',MaxScore = 100.000000,UserScore = 0.000000,UserScorePercent = 0.000000, Passed = 0, ElapsedTime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(StartDate) + UsedTime WHERE StatisticsInfoId = 132
How do I resolve this? Users can't take the quiz because this shows up. Please, help.