Hi Ari-Soft Team,
Thank you very much for the updated components and plugin. I have not installed them yet but this is really good service!! Thank you so much. I believe that the update and plugin can also help other customers. I saw this request from other customer as well (see post:
www.ari-soft.com/ARI-Quiz-Feature-Request/2703-3-features-to-implement.html#2703 ). Not just the one initiating this post.
I have already installed Ari Quiz component in my site and saved a couple hundred of questions.
So, I have questions about installation:
1. To install the component's updated version, do I need to uninstall the original component first?
2. If I need to uninstall the original component first, will all previous works be gone (all questions that have been saved in the question bank) as well, along with the uninstall of the original component? or
3. Can I just install the updated component, and the updated component will automatically override any overlapping items from the original version?
4. Can I install the alpha user points reducer plugin and also the original alpha user point plugin?
Thank you very much Aplha User Team,
You have a good customer service!