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PDF certificate not displaying unicode?
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TOPIC: PDF certificate not displaying unicode?
PDF certificate not displaying unicode? 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello. I'm using ARI Quiz 3.10.18.
It turns out that generated PDF certificates show "?" instaed of unicide (cyrillic) symbols.
HTMLs, printed pages and emails from same templates - display unicode correctly.
See attached generated certificate.
Am I missing some configuration of other components on my site?
File Attachment:
File Name: certificate_2.zip
File Size: 1170
Last Edit: 2024/07/15 13:49 By ddonskih.
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[SOLVED] :PDF certificate not displaying cyrillic 8 Months ago Karma: 0
I've found it myself. This is NOT unicode problem but CYRILLIC problem.

DOMPDF component (part of ARI Quiz) comes with fonts that do not have Cyrillic.
So all you have to do is:
1) obtain fonts that support Cyrillic (TTF files, you may get them anywhere, I have downloaded latest official release of DOMPDF official, extracted TTF files from dompdf/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts path of archive);
2) put those TTF files to /administrator/components/com_ariquiz/kernel/PDF/DOMPDF/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts on server;
3) in that directory on server, find file installed-fonts.dist.json and copy it to installed-fonts.json to same directory;
4) modify installed-fonts.json: replace all required font filenames with proper names of your new TTF files, i.e.:
"bold_italic": "Times-BoldItalic" to "bold_italic": "DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic".

That's all.

If you do not want to mess with stock contents of ARI Quiz components, you may create a separate folder for your fonts; put your installed-fonts.json there, and then create a constant
define('DOMPDF_FONT_DIR', './..../your/fonts/here');
in your JROOT ./defines.php file.
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