I use the content ari lightbox lite for quit a while now and it all worked fine.
But at this stage something strange has happend. When I click on a image, it will open in a new page, but no lightbox.
I use the rel="lightbox" (change this in the plugin settings), but I can't find the error.
I use the code shown below. Maybe it is the dubble // between the "duburg_final//images/", but I don't now where to change the code.
Code: |
<a class="linkthumb modal" target="_blank" rel="lightbox[id_74]" href="/clients/duburg_final//images/stories/products/Woollen/woollen_one.png"><img style="margin: 25px; float: left;" src="/clients/duburg_final/cache/f/bff0c450aaa2b8f2ed8a848951400673.png" alt="woollen two" height="342" width="337" class="thumb"></a>
I am creating the site on a test server (small nas). And the actual URL is :
Here (PS..The site is still under development)
Does someone have any idea, where to look for this error?
Thx in advance!! I really would appreciate your help