I trying to set up an image button to be linked with pdf hosted on the server and to be opened by Google docs in lightbox. So the code that i use is:
Code: |
<a href="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://malkotarnovo.org/archive/porachki/66/obavlenie.pdf&embedded=true&TB_iframe=true&width=800&height=500" rel="sexylightbox">
<img style="line-height: 1.3em;" src="images\pregled.png" alt="" width="178" height="89" /></a>
After i try it like this the lightbox works but the page is not loading... Until several hours it had 404 Error insted of the white screen in the lightbox... Could please suggest me something...
I still newbie in Joomla, but the "amp" after each "&" is auto-generated, so could that be the problem?
Also little off topic, but is it possible to setup the Lightbox to work with ARI Docs. I mean the document to be opened by the ARI Docs not Google docs or something like that...
Thank you very much in advance for the spared time on my question and keep up the good work!!!
P.S.: Please excuse me for any caused inconvinience by my stupid questions...