Hello, I am Using Joomla 1.6.1 and some tetst with ARI Sexy Lightbox:
1) I wrote the following code in the article to show google main page.
{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="300" height="250" url="
www.google.com" link="Show google site" title="Google"}{/arisexylightbox}
but I get Error 404: "The requested URL /?TB_iframe=1&width=300&height=250 was not found on this server. That’s all we know."
You can see it under:
2) I wrote the following code in the article to show YouTube video.
{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="450" url="
www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyA1dzfKywg" link="YouTube video" title="Video"}{/arisexylightbox}
but the video is not showing in a new pop up window.
See it under