Hallo, Thanks you are realy great at what you do...
Yes it works like you said!
I am going to advertice your plugin and your forum service at yoomla extentions org.
I have seen how you solve almost all request at this forum and in now time realy great...
Maybee I wait a bit going to start a new website in a few days much better then this one.
Going to use your plugin more extensive so it looks better.
I have the habit to improve plugins make them do exactly what i want and share this
improvements with the owners mostly the like the improvements I suggest the will be
properly tested and working.
So how do you feel of sending my jquery.sexylightbox.min.js not packed?
So I can work with the latest version I will not share it or the code with anyone.
I understand everything is copyrighted.
It wil take a litle bit of time till i start adjusting the plugin but if it is
worth mentioning i will certainly let you know.
Take a look at scriptmerge plugin this is one i took a look at recently
Thanks a lot...