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Single image lightbox
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TOPIC: Single image lightbox
Single image lightbox 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1

I want to include Sexy Light box features in my Virtuemart store.

Specifically I want to include, in the description, an image of the product that when clicked will have the lightbox effect.

What are the parameters for for this effect?

Looks great!

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Re:Single image lightbox 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762

You can do the following:

1. Install 'System - ARI Sexy Lightbox Anywhere' plugin and set 'Load' parameter in plugin settings to 'Anywhere'.

2. Wrap necessary image(s) in a product description with {arisexylightbox} and {/arisexylightbox} tags.

3. Set width or/and height parameters for images in <IMG> HTML tag, these parameters will be used as width or/and height of thumbnail. That's all.

Example. If you want to display image which is located by the following path <joomla_dir>/images/products/product_1.jpg with lightbox effect and want to set thumbnail with to 80 pixels, use the following code in a product description


<img src="images/products/product_1.jpg" width="80" alt="Test product" />

PS: Usually WYSIWYG editors provide possibility to resize images in content, you can use this feature for resizing original images to thumbnail sizes and the plugin will automatically generate thumbnail with necessary size.

ARI Soft
Last Edit: 2010/05/25 19:56 By admin.
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