Hello ther thank you very much for the file it works like a charm!!!
I took a bit long because my scriptmerge plugin had a error with compression it errassed everything after "// and it should not do that because then it errased a part of your code. But I fixed it now. So everything is working fine now with data-rel in place.
I still have a little isseu with IE8 it does seem that it is not callculating the y scroll bar or something the width is not right.
There are 21 px to much just as much as a scrollbar... So the sexylightbox is searching for the right place to sattle. it drifting a bit..
You did solve this problem before but that solution i can not use because it was for joomla 2.5 and now i am in joomla 3.0.
I am very glad that you solved the data-rel issue so if you do not want to look in to this I am totaly oke with that ofcourse.
Can you let me now? Or do you want my to make a new topic of this?
Kind Regards,
Jeroen J.