I just relised how you solved it last time (you do not need to remove this url:) here:
You give it a classname class="sexy-overlay" and put this in the sexylightbox css file: .sexy-overlay{position:fixed !important;width:100% !important;}
I thought I did that but I cant give it a classname because it happens in the jquery.sexylightbox.min.js file!
So that's the way you solved it last time.....
I also just relised If you like to.. Good you send me a jquery.sexylightbox.min.js file with both the rel and data-rel part i meen like the one you send my previously and whit a classname?
that is in the source file here:
overlay: {
create: function(options) {
this.options = options;
this.element = $('<div id="'+new Date().getTime()+'" class="sexy-overlay"></div>');
this.element.css($.extend({}, {
'position' : 'absolute',
I am going to use the plugin a few times so that would realy by handy for my.
A classname is handy then you can adress it... And I can put in the css file the code from above that solves it good. No more x-scollbar YES
Kind Regards,
Jeroen J.