Wow that was fast
I have tested the funtion and it works great on preventing ari thumbnail to run on folders and subfolders. I have tested the 2 things
I can see that the droppics system still does not work
If i look at the source code of the article that contain the droppics code it looks like this:
Code: |
<p>Teacher Training Colleges introduction text</p>
<p><img src="/components/com_droppics/assets/images/t.gif" data-droppicsgallery="129" data-droppicsversion="2.0.4" style="background: url('/components/com_droppics/assets/images/gallery.png') no-repeat scroll center center #D6D6D6; border: 2px dashed #888888; height: 200px; border-radius: 10px; width: 99%;" data-gallery="129" /></p>
This despite the physical files is stored in /images/com_droppics/123 (1 number pr album)
I guess the reason why its not working is because the code above actually does not even look in the /image folder
Is there a solution to this you think?
If not its not a very big problem as I can use Widgikit instead of Droppics with more or less the same result.
I am really happy for what you have done as it makes it possible for me to continue to use this fantastic plugin
(if you need access to the site please let me know)
Kind Regards