The extension adapts lightbox size to screen size when shows images. If you want to use fixed size (for example "Lightbox width" and "Lightbox height" parameters from module settings), open <joomla_directory>/modules/mod_ariimageslider/mod_ariimageslider/kernel/ImageSlider/Lightbox/class.Arisexylightbox.php file and replace the following code:
Code: |
else if ($bgColor)
$uri = new JURI($link);
$uri->setVar('background', $bgColor);
$lnkAttrs['href'] = $uri->toString();
with the following one:
Code: |
$uri = new JURI($link);
if ($bgColor)
$uri->setVar('background', $bgColor);
$uri->setVar('height', intval($params->get('lightbox_height'), 10));
$uri->setVar('width', intval($params->get('lightbox_width'), 10));
$lnkAttrs['href'] = $uri->toString();
ARI Soft