Change value of "directory" attribute for <field> elements with type="imagelist" in <joomla_directory>/modules/mod_arislider/mod_arislider.xml file. For example replace the following string:
Code: |
<field name="image_0" type="imagelist" default="" label="ASLIDER_PARAM_LABEL_IMAGE" description="ASLIDER_PARAM_DESCR_IMAGE" hide_default="1" directory="/modules/mod_arislider/includes/js/img/slides" />
with the following one:
Code: |
<field name="image_0" type="imagelist" default="" label="ASLIDER_PARAM_LABEL_IMAGE" description="ASLIDER_PARAM_DESCR_IMAGE" hide_default="1" directory="/images/MeetTheTeam" />
and replace the following code in <joomla_directory>/modules/mod_arislider/tmpl/menu.php file:
Code: |
$imgAttrs = array('src' => JURI::base(true) . '/modules/mod_arislider/includes/js/img/slides/' . $img, 'alt' => !$enableTip ? $dataItem['title'] : '');
with the following one:
Code: |
$imgAttrs = array('src' => JURI::base(true) . '/images/MeetTheTeam/' . $img, 'alt' => !$enableTip ? $dataItem['title'] : '');
ARI Soft