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Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari
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TOPIC: Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari
Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari 5 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
We've just noticed that there are some issues with the ari smartbook extension when viewed on an ipad.
-We're on the latest ari smartbook version 1.10.16.
-All issue affect the smartbook demo page as well.
-if it matters, the ipad is on the latest iOS version 13.3.
-issues 1 and 3 seem to be ipad specific issues, while issue 2 seems to affect all browsers.

1. Using safari on ipad, when in landscape mode (the screen is horizontal) and you press the full screen button (the two arrows pointing outwards), the full screen mode is indeed activated, but the smart book only fills the bottom half of the screen. There is a lot of wasted white space above between the smartbook title and controls with actual book underneath. Activating full screen mode in portrait mode works the same as in a normal browser, but there is another issue with that, which leads to issue #2 below.

2. We have set the default template of our smartbook to be single page and if we activate full screen mode, the smartbook only occupies the center of the screen with wasted whitespace all around. While this makes sense if there are 2 pages, it doesn't make sense if there is only 1 page. This seems to affect all browsers on all devices.

3. We also noticed that the "full screen" button is completely missing if we use Chrome on iPad.

-we have attached pictures of the issues.
File Attachment:
File Name: ipad_issues.zip
File Size: 102588
Last Edit: 2020/01/10 19:21 By wcwonlin.
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Re:Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 762

Sorry for the delay:

1 and 2. We will investigate the problems.

3. Fullscreen button is hidden if fullscreen API is not supported by a browser.

ARI Soft
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Re:Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0

It's now been 2 weeks since your last response. Has there been any update or progress into this issue? If you could let us know where this is, we would appreciate it very much.
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Re:Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Hello again,

Just checking in again as another week has passed. Has there been progress or update regarding this issue?
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Re:Full Screen issues on iPad with Safari 5 Years ago Karma: 0
Hi again,

Has this been abandoned? It's been 1 month since your last response and this issue still exists. If this extension is no longer being supported, please let us know.
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