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Ari Smart Book not loading
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TOPIC: Ari Smart Book not loading
Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I have used Ari Smart book for several years and really like the extension. My issue is it will not load on the front, the icon just keeps going around. This started the other day when I upgraded my Joomla Template version 3.4.8 to 3.6.5. I use Ari Smart Book on three different areas on the main menu bar - Bulletin - Calendar - Our New Songs. I just uploaded Ari Smart Books latest version 1.16.? and it still will not load on the front. My URL is www.antelopecofc.org If you need more let me know and I will provide it. Thanks, Mark
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Re:Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 762

The problem occurs because jQuery library is loaded twice on your site. If you don't an extension which loads it in an incorrect way the you can use "jQuery Easy" plugin to resolve this problem.

ARI Soft
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Re:Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Thank you. I registered yesterday with the JQuery page but haven't back yet. Will download when I am able to finish the registration.
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Re:Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Finally got it and it works although my site slowed down some. I'll work on that.
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Re:Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I installed jQuery Easy and it doesn't seem to help. The conflict is with a component. In the settings for jQuery Easy it says not for components and to buy the jQuery Pro. Is jQuery Pro a better software and will it resolve conflicts between programs. It seems that the conflicts involve the Main Menu mostly. Some sidebar modules will not work and I click on anything on the Main Menu and the sidebar modules start working. Is this a jQuery conflict? Thanks, Mark
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Re:Ari Smart Book not loading 5 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 762
As we wrote previously the problem occurs because jQuery library is loaded twice on your site. One time it is loaded via Joomla! API, it is right approach, the second time it is loaded by a 3rd party extension and it loads own copy of jQuery and it causes conflicts. If you provide a temporary access to your J! backend by email, we will try to help resolve this conflict.

ARI Soft
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