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undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension
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TOPIC: undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension
undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0

I'm just installed "ARI Smart Content" on my website and i would like to test the "Nivo Slider".

I have created data with : new "Media Data" - "Local Images" - "Images" and i want to use this for then "Nivo Slider" module.

Here the error message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension() in (website)/administrator/components/com_arismartcontent/kernel/Image/class.Thumbnail.php on line 141

I have Joomla 3.4.8

Thank you for your help.
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Re:undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 762

Could you provide a link to a page where the problem occurs and a temporary access to your J! backend by email so we can investigate the problem?

ARI Soft
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Re:undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
I send you a email...
here the content of my email (without informations for connexion)

Warning : i use the extention "Admin Tools" for security Maybe your connexion will be blocked... send me a e-mail if you can't connect to my website.

Module "ARI Smart Content - Nivo Slider"
Error message :
I don't anderstand my but the error is now not there... !!!??!!!!!!

I have another error message on the top on the website : ARI Image Slider : "System - ARI Sexy Lightbox" plugin isn't installed"
???? I have enabled these plugins :
- ARI Smart Content - Integration - Sexy Lightbox"
- ARI Smart Content - Sexy Lightbox"
(what is the difference between both ?)

I have no result on the following modules (no images found but no error message) :
- ARI Smart Content - Nivo Slider
- ARI Smart Content - Cloud Carousel
- ARI Smart Content - Media Gallery

I don't have any problem with the module "ARI Image Slider"...
Why this difference ?

Thanks a lot
Jean-Marie GROUD
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Re:undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 762
We have sent the following answer to your mail:

Try now please.

ARI Image Slider: "System - ARI Sexy Lightbox" plugin isn't installed. message appears because "Lightbox integration" parameter is set to "ARI Sexy Lightbox", but "ARI Sexy Lightbox" extension is not installed on your site ("ARI Smart Content - Sexy Lightbox" and "ARI Sexy Lightbox" are two different extensions). "ARI Image Slider" module can be replaced with "ARI Smart Content - Nivo Slider" module, it supports all features of "ARI Image Slider" and can be integrated with "ARI Smart Content - Sexy Lightbox" and "ARI Smart Content - Fancybox" addons.

The warning message is added by "ARI Image Slider - Artistes". It will be shown only on pages where this module is shown.

ARI Soft
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Re:undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
Another information : the problems was only on the "Home page", not on the "Contact page" for exemple...

And Now all is good !

I don't anderstand why...
All is good now only 1 thing...

- Error messages "ARI Image Slider: "System - ARI Sexy Lightbox" plugin isn't installed...

This plugin is used in my 2 modules "ARI Image Slider". Maybe there is a difference beewen the 2 plugins above :
- System - ARI Sexy Lightbox
- ARI Smart Content - Integration - Sexy Lightbox"
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Re:undefined method AriImageHelper::getImageDimension 8 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
You answered at the same time that my question
Thanks a lot
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