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Formating table
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TOPIC: Formating table
Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi, i think that there is no stupid questions so ...

I upload csv file and i have data in content,

now i want it to look like this
( i made that manualy ) so i will probably have lot of questions

1. i dont have any value in first and second cell of first row but plugin put there numbers 0 and 1 ( I know that is becouse that is a header row )
How to clear that?
SOLVED - turn of heading

2. how to make colspan in rows 1, 8 ( starting with two empty cell than "Doplata: ..." ), 11, and 19

3. how and where setup styles for rows

4. after row no. 10 i need one empty row
Last Edit: 2009/02/03 21:58 By vanka.
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Re:Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760

According to your questions:

1) You can do the following

{aricsvtable file="file.csv"}
{aricsvtablecolumn id="0" alias=" "}
{aricsvtablecolumn id="1" alias="

In other words, you can set alias parameter to " " for needed columns.

2) Sorry, currently ARI CSV Table plugin can't do it. But you can submit feature request for this feature and we'll implement it in the next release.

3) You can create CSS file in CSS Templates section on backend part of ARI Smart Content. Each active CSS Template will load with help ARI CSS Templates Loader plugin.

4) You can place to your CSV file the following row


If this solution isn't suitable for you, please, say about it and we'll think about another solution.

ARI Soft
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Re:Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
hi and good morning

1. Done, thnx a lot

2. I need some solution for that kind of rows. I can put that text manualy in content but then i need to separate tables and make 4 or 6 tables for every page ( and 4 to 6 csv files ) and i have to make about 100 pages

3. Ok i know how and where to make some css styles, but how to implement them to certain row?

4. that help, thnx again

Q: is this is your usualy time of day when you are working? I saw that you response quickly and i'm happy about that but i dont know where you are so i was waiting last night - first timer
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Re:Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760
Good morning

Usually we give response from 08:00 (GMT +03:00) till 23:00 (GMT +03:00)

2) Just add request about this feature here www.ari-soft.com/Feature-Request-for-ARI-Smart-Content/ and we implement it.

3) Each row (tr tag) in tbody tag has the following CSS classes:

actRow_{index} - where {index} is index of row. First row will have actRow_0 class, second actRow_1 and etc.

actRow_odd - for odd row

actRow_even - for even row

Each column (usually td tag) has the following CSS classes:

actCell_{index} - where {index} is index of column. First column will have actCell_0 class, second actCell_1 and etc.

Also you can add additional CSS classes with help parameters 'className' and 'headerClassName' which you can define in {aricsvtablecolumn}

ARI Soft
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Re:Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
ok, but...

can i implement my own css style for specific rows? (Different from page to page )

if i want my rows 2 and 13 to look like header like
on that page, and on the second page rows 2 and 16, and ...

or if i want one cell in the middle of the table to have specific look. If i make one css style for row and second css style for column which style will be visible
Last Edit: 2009/02/04 09:27 By vanka.
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Re:Formating table 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 760
In {aricsvtable} you can set 'className' paramter. It'll apply to <table> and you can define this parameters from page to page where you need set different CSS rule for row and cell. For your example, it looks like:


{aricsvtable file="file.csv" className="csvTbl_1"}

{aricsvtable file="file.csv" className="csvTbl_2"}

CSS file:

TABLE.csvTbl_1 TR.actRow_1
background-color: red;

TABLE.csvTbl_1 TR.actRow_12
background-color: green;

TABLE.csvTbl_2 TR.actRow_1
background-color: yellow;

TABLE.csvTbl_2 TR.actRow_15
background-color: blue;

ARI Soft
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