I want to use ARIJDATATABLE in combination with ARIJDIALOG is that not possible.
I tried it see page:
First now it is very slow and second it do not work.
Part of code:
/* Produktaktionen in Listenform */
if ($anzahl_produktaktionen > 0 ){
echo '{arijdatatable bPaginate="true" bLengthChange="true"}<table width="100%"><thead><tr><th>Produkt</th> <th>Zeitraum</th><th>Preis</th><th>Einh.</th><th>Vergl.</th><th>Min</th><th>Markt</th>';
if ($userid != 0)
echo '<th><img src="images/stories/stift3.jpg" alt="Meine Einkaufsliste"/></th>';
echo '</tr></thead><tbody>';
for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++){
$positionlist = 'liste'.$sql->data[1];
echo '<tr><td align="left">'; /* Marke und Bezeichnung */
echo '{arijdialog width="350" height="200" title="Aktionsdetails" resizable="true" draggable="true"}{arijdicontent title="Modal dialog"}';
echo '<A NAME = "'.$positionlist.'" ><b>'.$sql->data[13].' '.$sql->data[11].'</A>';
echo '{/arijdicontent}{arijdocontent}';
echo 'Inhalt';
echo '{/arijdocontent}{/arijdialog}';
echo '</b></td>';
echo '<td align="left">'.$sql->data[18].' - '.$sql->data[19].'</td>'; /* von - bis */
echo '<td align="left"><b>'.$sql->data[4].'Ђ </b></td>'; /* Preis */
$menge = $sql->data[10];