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Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file?
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TOPIC: Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file?
Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I have a very basic question: where do I put the .csv file?

I'm using arijcsv2table and the demo says the usage is:

{arijcsv2table url="csv_file_url" select="1,2,5"}

My file is gpa.csv
My url is www.uwchipsi.com
My file has 6 columns
I have uploaded the file gpa.csv to my website through the c-panel and saved it in a directory I called data.

So I have tried various combinations of the suggested usage, such as:

{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa.csv_www.uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}


{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa.csv_uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}


{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa_uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}

but this does not work.

I assume the plugin needs to know where to find the file. Is there supposed to be some standard place you store the file? I cannot find any such reference on the forum, but ...

Anyway .. can some tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
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Re:Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 761

Use the following code if your data folder is located in Joomla root dir:

{arijcsv2table url="data/gpa.csv"}

ARI Soft
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Re:Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I have the same problem nothing displays when using:
{arijcsv2table url="path/filename.csv"} inside an article.

So I gave up trying and now am I'm using jtablesorter with csvtable ... but the zebra parameter doesn't seem to work.

{arijtablesorter zebra="true"}
{aricsvtable file="path/filename.csv"}
{aricsvtablecolumn id="ID" alias="ID" width="20%" className="idg"}
{aricsvtablecolumn id="NAME" alias="UserName" headerClassName="head"}

Am I using this right?

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Re:Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 761

Can you say link where we can see it?

ARI Soft
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Re:Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I can, but you will need login priv. may I have email where i can send you the info.

so far, this is the code that I have:

{aricsvtable file="date/filename.csv" className="MYCSS"}
{arijtablesorter }

The zebra affects, don't know what it does when it's set to true or false, but it works regardless because of CSS rollover and it appears to be working with the row highlights, but I can't get CSS to affect a specific table... it applies to all tables in my site.

Even though I specify className, it seems to disregard it.

Two question I suppose:
1. How do I use the ari css template section to affect only the tables using the className

2. Why doesn't csvtable work with jtablesorter? Am I use it correctly?

Last Edit: 2009/03/29 16:39 By redorum.
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Re:Basic Question: Where do I put the .csv file? 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 761
You can send info to info@ari-soft.com . According to your questions:

1) You can use the following CSS rules:

// CSS rules goes here

// CSS rules goes here

and etc.

2) It's incorrect format, need wrap aricsvtable with arijtablesorter:

{aricsvtable file="date/filename.csv" className="MYCSS"}

ARI Soft
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