I have a very basic question: where do I put the .csv file?
I'm using arijcsv2table and the demo says the usage is:
{arijcsv2table url="csv_file_url" select="1,2,5"}
My file is gpa.csv
My url is
My file has 6 columns
I have uploaded the file gpa.csv to my website through the c-panel and saved it in a directory I called data.
So I have tried various combinations of the suggested usage, such as:
{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa.csv_
www.uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}
{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa.csv_uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}
{arijcsv2table url="csv_gpa_uwchipsi.com" select="1,2,3,4,5,6"}
but this does not work.
I assume the plugin needs to know where to find the file. Is there supposed to be some standard place you store the file? I cannot find any such reference on the forum, but ...
Anyway .. can some tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks.