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Unable to install Smart Content
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TOPIC: Unable to install Smart Content
Unable to install Smart Content 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0

I'm having joomla 1.5 version and I tried to install your module through the regular Extentions->Intall->Browse/Upload/Install. This just hangs the webpage and timesout.

Then I uploaded the extracted com_arismartcontent to the install directoy. This helped me to install the component or at least made joomla happy.

However, now I have created an article with the default Accordion schema:
{arijaccordion animated="bounceslide" width="200" className="acord"}
{arijaccordionitem title="Title 1"}
First section
{arijaccordionitem title="Title 2"}
Second section
{arijaccordionitem title="Title 3"}
Third section
This didn't display anything on the front page. I was looking at the source files that you have in your example pages and noticed references to the .js and .css files that didn't exist in the appropriate directories on my installation. I know you guys are hashin the directory names and simply copying over the document throug the ftp is not working either. The webpage won't load.

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Re:Unable to install Smart Content 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 761

Check, please, all tabs on 'Diagnostics' page on the component backend. If it shows that all is correct, check that <joomla>/plugins/content/arismartcontent/ folder contains 'content' and 'system' folders and this folders contain folders with files. If it doesn't help, provide access to your Joomla! backend by email (info@ari-soft.com) that we can investigate this issue.

ARI Soft
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