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Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout
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TOPIC: Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout
Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Hi there

I have read many of the articles in this forum and went through the FAQ and available documentation but I cannot seem to find a solution to my problem.

Please take a look at this link - when I use the aricsvtable it displays the information correctly by allowing the information in the table to fit in the structure of the joomla template (by fitting into the structure I am referring to the fact that the information is scrollable as defined by the joomla template).

However, as soon as I apply the arijdatatable to the aricsvtable the structure of the table changes in a way that the information no longer scrolls with the page but instead ignores the srollbar on the joomla page. I have tried adding a div to the page but it did not solve my problem.

Please can I ask you to give me ideas on how to overcome this problem?

If the problem lies with my template or a combination between my template and the component I would like to use the tablesorter component but I need pointers from you on how to format the table with the ame background and fonr as my joomla template - I have found information on creating a CSS for Arijdatatable but no clue how to do this for tablesorter component.

Thank you
Last Edit: 2009/07/26 06:13 By Wiechardt.
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762

It seems that now you use 'ARI JTable Sorter' plugin, but if you want to use 'ARI JDataTable' plugin, please, return back 'ARI JDataTable' that we can investigate this issue and provide solution.

ARI Soft
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Sorry about that, I was trying different to see if I can find a solution. I reverted and it's using JDataTable again and the issue is now visible.

One other thing I forgot to ask is whether it is possible to define a fixed column width on the JDataTable and how I would do it?

Last Edit: 2009/07/26 07:27 By Wiechardt.
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
We have investigated this issue, we reproduced it only in IE and this problem not in 'ARI JDataTable' plugin, it's problem with template. Add the following CSS rules to your template CSS file and it should resolve this issue:

clear: right;

position: relative;

ARI Soft
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Fantastic, thank you, it's working!

As mentioned in my previous post, one last question: How do I specify a fixed width for a column on the jDataItabe component? I would also like to know how to define a alignment of a column, let's say, the last should be right aligned and the other columsn left aligned?

Last Edit: 2009/07/26 07:48 By Wiechardt.
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
Yes, you can set specific width and align. For this, you can use the following solution:

1) Use bAutoWidth="false" param for 'ARI JDataTable' and {aricsvtablecolumn} tag with 'width' and 'className' parameters. In other words, use the following code:

{arijdatatable bAutoWidth="false"}
{aricsvtable file="data/file.csv"}
{aricsvtablecolumn id="Name" width="20px" className="rightAlign"}

This code create table where 'Name' column from CSV file will have width="20px" and CSS class 'rightAlign'

2) Create the following CSS rule in 'CSS Templates' section on the component backend:

text-align: right;

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