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Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout
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TOPIC: Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout
Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Thanks for your help and the super fast response time!
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
You are welcome. You can feel free to ask any questions about the component.

ARI Soft
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I have decided to rather display the information in a joomla popup window (new page with no navigation options) due to the space restrictions in my template.

I have added the aricsvtablecolumns properties for all my columns in the table and created two CSS classes, one for right alignment and one for left alignment. The only information in that article are as follows:

{arijdatatable paging="true" bAutoWidth="false" width="530px"}{aricsvtable file="images/price_list/pricelist2009_2.csv"}{aricsvtablecolumns}{aricsvtablecolumn id="Botanical Name" width="150px" className="leftAlign"}{aricsvtablecolumn id="Afrikaans" width="150px" className="leftAlign"}{aricsvtablecolumn id="English" width="150px" className="leftAlign"}{aricsvtablecolumn id="Container" width="50px" className="leftAlign"}{aricsvtablecolumn id="Price Incl. VAT" width="30px" className="rightAlign"}{/aricsvtablecolumns}{/aricsvtable}{/arijdatatable}

The alignment works lovely but the DataTable seems to ignore the fixed column widths...when I change the "Display x number of records" or browse to the next page all the column widths change.

Please can I ask you to tell me what I am doing wrong?

This is the link to the page.
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
You can define width property through CSS class. For example, use the following code:


{arijdatatable paging="true" bAutoWidth="false" width="530px"}
  {aricsvtable file="images/price_list/pricelist2009_2.csv"}
    {aricsvtablecolumn id="Botanical Name"  className="leftAlign" headerClassName="width150"}
    {aricsvtablecolumn id="Afrikaans" className="leftAlign" headerClassName="width150"}
    {aricsvtablecolumn id="English" className="leftAlign" headerClassName="width150"}
    {aricsvtablecolumn id="Container" className="leftAlign"  headerClassName="width50"}
    {aricsvtablecolumn id="Price Incl. VAT" className="rightAlign" headerClassName="width30"}

and define the following CSS classes in 'CSS Template':


  width: 150px;

  width: 50px;

  width: 30px;

ARI Soft
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I used your code (had to remove the <br> inbetween otherwise it does not recognise the tags) and defined the CSS classed, but the problem stil persists. The table is still auto width and it does not apply the column widths.

My CSS contains the following:

clear: right;

position: relative;

text-align: right;

text-align: left;
width: 150px;

width: 50px;

width: 30px;

When I change the sort order, change the number of records to be viewed or search the table size and column widths change - I would like it to remain the same (static) both for the table width and the column widths. What am I missing?
Last Edit: 2009/07/26 15:20 By Wiechardt.
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Re:Arijdatatable ignores Joomla template layout 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
Could you send your CSV file and code from article which you use by email (info@ari-soft.com)? It help us provide solution more faster.

ARI Soft
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