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TOPIC: Istall Ext JS
Re:Istall Ext JS 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
As a matter of fact, I'm knew in joomla. And I'm still making some tests and learning. I'd like to know if you have some kind of manual for beginners that teach how to use all features of ari smart content. I think it would be very productive, especialy for cases like mine.
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Re:Istall Ext JS 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762

ARI Smart Content contains two type of plugins: system and content.
System plugins needed for content plugins for loading javascript frameworks or for another system purpose. This type of plugins is loaded automatically and in the most case it doesn't require user intervention for correct work. Another type of plugins is content type. Content plugins from ARI Smart Content works as the most Joomla! content plugin. You need add plugin code to needed place in your Joomla! content (article, news or another content) where you want to use plugin. Plugin code consists of several parts:

1) Plugin tag. It's string "tag" which appears inside braces {}. Each plugin has unique tag. Tag which looks like {tag} called open tag. Usually open tag requires closed tag which appears inside braces {} and have "/" before tag name. Closed tag is placed at end of plugin code. For example, ARI MooTable has arimootable tag and if you want to add ARI MooTable plugin to your content, you can use the following code:

// plugin content goes here

2) Plugin tag attribute. It's used together with plugin tag. Attribute defines the properties of plugin tag. Description of each attribute for needed plugin you can find in plugin description on plugin settings page. If attribute is omitted it has default value which you can define on plugin settings page. For example, if you want to define width attribute with value 100 for {mootable} tag, use the following code:

{arimootable width="100"}
// plugin content goes here

3) Plugin content. Content with which the plugin will work. For example for table plugin it will be HTML table. It is placed between open and closed tags.

ARI Soft
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