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Dynamic Columns
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TOPIC: Dynamic Columns
Re:Dynamic Columns 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I didn't ignore the comments, I'm simply not comfortable giving admin access to the website, even on the testing server. I have been investigating other solutions, and believe a fairly complex join query will solve the issue regarding the information I need to display. I'm not entirely satisfied with the answer, but it at least is an answer.

However, during all of this, I have found that out of 4 computers I tested this on, the only one that renders the Jdatatable properly is the testing computer running the server. 2 other computers running windows xp are showing the page with the raw {arijdatatable bPaginate=\"true\"} code and a normal table. I've also tested it on a desktop running Vista Home Premium, and it also does not render the JDatatable.

Are there system requirements aside from Joomla 1.5? A Javascript version update, or something?

I love the look of this product, and I do not want to be a pain, but I've had enormous setbacks setting this up properly.
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Re:Dynamic Columns 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 761

Plugin works in all modern browsers (IE 6+, Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari). If component have problems, you can see it on 'Diagnostics' page on the component backend. For resolving this issue, provide the following information, please:

1) Article text with code which you use.

2) Which plugin you use for inserting PHP code in article.

3) Screenshots of plugins which you use in article (TBS, plugin for executing PHP code, may be something else)

We need this information that reproduce issue and provide solution.

ARI Soft
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Re:Dynamic Columns 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Well, I've fixed the previous issue. I used ALIAS in my SQL queries, and a few creative joins, and everything is kosher.

Is it possible other computers aren't showing it properly because it is a testing key for localhost?
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Re:Dynamic Columns 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 761
Do you open Joomla! site on another computers using IP address instead of localhost? If yes, then the component will not work in this case because license key should be for domain which you use to access site.

PS: If you need additional testing licenses, provide domains for which you need their by email (info@ari-soft.com) and we'll provide licenses for you.

ARI Soft
Last Edit: 2009/09/11 21:52 By admin.
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