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Sorting tables by column values
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TOPIC: Sorting tables by column values
Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Currently the results displayed in our table are sorted Alphabetically a-z (I'm assuming this is by default).

How do I sort the tables by the value of another column, either ascending or descending.

Example: go to www.yousaygo.com and enter the zip code 22601. click "where" menu item. I want to sort the results by the distance column, ascending from shortest distance to farthest.

Second example: another table will have events displayed in a similar fashion. How can I sort the events chronologically (based on dates in the database) from most upcoming to furthest in the distance?

Thanks in advance,

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Re:Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 762

What plugin code do you use for tables?

ARI Soft
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Re:Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Here is what is currently in use for the table that needs to be chronologically sorted (most upcoming first) by date of the event
{arijdatatable bPaginate="true"; iDisplayLength="5"; sPaginationType="full_numbers"; bAutoWidth="false"; oLanguage_sZeroRecords="No events to display." }
{arisqltablecolumn id="Image" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Venue" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Event" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="eLink" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="vLink" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Date" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Time" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn alias="When" virtual="true" pos="1"}
{coltemplate}{$Date} @ {$Time}{/coltemplate}
{arisqltablecolumn alias="What" virtual="true" pos="2"}
{coltemplate}<img src="images/events/{$Image}" width="40" height="30" /><a href="{$eLink}">{$Event}</a>{/coltemplate}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Summary" }{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn alias="Where" virtual="true" pos="4"}
{coltemplate}<a href="{$vLink}">{$Venue}</a>{/coltemplate}
{arisqltablequery}SELECT venue.venue_name AS Venue, venue.link AS vLink, events.event_name AS Event, events.summary AS Summary, events.link AS eLink, events.image AS Image, date_format(events.start, '%b %e') as Date, date_format(events.start, '%l:%i %p') as Time, venue.gpoint FROM #__ysg_events AS events INNER JOIN #__ysg_venue AS venue
ON events.vid = venue.id WHERE MBRContains( GeomFromText( 'POLYGON((<?php echo $western.' '.$southern.', '.$eastern.' '.$southern.', '.$eastern.' '.$northern.', '.$western.' '.$northern.', '.$western.' '.$southern; ?>))' ) , venue.gpoint ) {/arisqltablequery}


And this is for the table that needs to be sorted by distance column (shortest distance first)
{arijdatatable bPaginate="true"; iDisplayLength="10"; sPaginationType="full_numbers"; bAutoWidth="false"; oLanguage_sZeroRecords="No venues found."}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Image" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Venue" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Link" hidden="true"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn alias="Where" virtual="true" pos="1"}
{coltemplate}<img src="images/venues/{$Image}" width="40" height="30" /><a href="{$Link}">{$Venue}</a>{/coltemplate}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Summary"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Distance"}{/arisqltablecolumn}
{arisqltablequery saveTags="true"}
SELECT venue.id, venue.venue_name AS Venue, venue.gpoint, venue.summary AS Summary, venue.link AS Link, venue.image AS Image, venue.lat, venue.long, FORMAT( 3956 *2 * ASIN( SQRT( POWER( SIN( ( <?php echo $location['latitude']; ?> - venue.lat ) * pi( ) /180 /2 ) , 2 ) + COS( <?php echo $location['latitude']; ?> * pi( ) /180 ) * COS( venue.lat * pi( ) /180 ) * POWER( SIN( (<?php echo $location['longitude']; ?> - venue.long) * pi( ) /180 /2 ) , 2 ) ) ) , 2 ) AS Distance
FROM #__ysg_venue AS venue WHERE MBRContains( GeomFromText( 'POLYGON((<?php echo $western.' '.$southern.', '.$eastern.' '.$southern.', '.$eastern.' '.$northern.', '.$western.' '.$northern.', '.$western.' '.$southern; ?>))' ) , venue.gpoint )
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Re:Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 762
You can use ORDER BY clause in an SQL query.

ARI Soft
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Re:Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
We've tried using that clause and the sort did not seem to change. Any thoughts as to why? An example of how it should be properly executed when using ARI smart content?

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Re:Sorting tables by column values 12 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Just tested it again and the table sorts by the first column, regardless of query ORDER BY. This functionality is crucial to our implementation.
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