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Where is documentation for using {coltemplate}
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TOPIC: Where is documentation for using {coltemplate}
Where is documentation for using {coltemplate} 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

I really do want to leave everyone alone and figure all this out myself but I've been staring at this "smart content" and with each passing minute I feel less and less smart.

Couple questions.

1.) I've gotten a basic table to display from a csv file. I'm using aricsvtable. At this point my whole table is just plain black and white text. I'm stuck though.

The table has 4 columns (Course, Location, Date, Price)

I have all of the plugins enabled. The Smart Content component says all of the necessary files are writable. I am using a "trial license" which is still valid.

Your site says I can use Jquery UI to add some style to the tables. Do you have any insructions on where to upload a style that I downloaded from the query UI site?

You site talks about using CSS styles for the tables. I don't know CSS well enough to create my own. So again I'd love to learn how to use the nice styles from jquire UI.

I can not find anything anywhere on {coltemplate} or how to use it. Your demo has this line as an example syntax on a few pages:

{coltemplate}{$NAME} - {$ID} {/coltemplate}

There is no explanation though for what this row is doing, and how it is implementing {$NAME} - {$ID}. Are these the names of column id's? If there are more then 2 columns do I need a hyphen between each one such as:
{coltemplate} {$NAME1} - {$NAME2} - {NAME3}{/coltemplate}
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Re:Where is documentation for using {coltemplate} 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 760

Regarding your questions:

1. "ARI CSV Table" plugin renders HTML table from CSV file. It can be useful if you want to display data from CSV file and apply CSS styles for it, but it requires CSS knowledge. Or you can wrap "ARI CSV Table" with "ARI JDataTable" or "ARI JTableSorter" plugin. These plugins add powerful functionality to HTML tables such sorting, filtering and other. Sorry, but where you can read that the component provides ability to use jQuery UI styles for standard HTML tables? "ARI JDataTable" plugins supports jQuery UI styles, only set "Using jQuery UI themes" parameter to "Yes" in "ARI JDataTable" settings. You can wrap "ARI CSV Table" with "ARI JDataTable" and it adds possibility to use jQuery UI styles and adds additional functionalities to CSV table without technical knowledge. About adding new themes from jQuery UI, it's our oversight and we'll fix this lack in the documentation. You can generate your own theme on jQuery UI site, download it, unzip theme package, open 'css/custom-theme' folder and rename it to new theme name, for example 'mytheme' and then rename jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css CSS file in this folder to mytheme.css. After this copy 'mytheme' folder to 'plugins/content/arismartcontent/system/ari_jquery_ui_<postfix>/js/1.7.2/themes/' folder on your server. Now you can see new theme in 'ARI JQuery UI Loader' plugin settings.

2. About {coltemplate}, you can create virtual columns which can contain combined data from other columns. Each {$<column_id>} pattern will be replaced with appropriate column value. For example your table contains columns "ProductName" and "Quantity" and you want to add column which values will look like "ProductName" ("Quantity") then add the following definition for virtual column:


{aricsvtablecolumn alias="Summary" virtual="true" pos="1"}
  {coltemplate}{$ProductName} ({$Quantity}){/coltemplate}

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