here's my tabs actually:
{arijdatatable bPaginate="true"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Progr" alias="id" width="5%" className="idg"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="NOME" alias="nome" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="PROV" alias="provincia" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="CAT" alias="categ" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="CLASSE" alias="classe" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="MODELLO" alias="modello" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="MOTORE" alias="motore" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="GOMME" alias="gomme" headerClassName="head"}
SELECT id AS Progr,nome AS NOME,cognome AS COGNOME,provincia AS PROV,categ AS CAT,classe AS CLASSE,modello AS MODELLO,motore AS MOTORE,gomme AS GOMME FROM Iscrz_italbig_2k10
I need to separe the two possibles value of the "classe" field in two different tables.
First i've think about a simple column ordering, but now i'd prefer to separate the tabs so i'll can see the class "x" in one table anche the class "y" in the other one. ...
my actual tab