Since my last post on the forum, the data is now showing up on the screen. But I'm having a problem doing anything with it. How do I get the data to display within one of the table themes that you have for example? And in terms of making it fully responsive, are there any possible solutions?
I have used the following code within an article:
{aricsvtable file="images/excel_csv/lotto-results-mega-monday.csv" delimiter=";"} {aricsvtablecolumns} {aricsvtablecolumn id="ID" alias="ID" width="20%" className="idg"} {aricsvtablecolumn id="NAME" alias="UserName" headerClassName="head"} {aricsvtablecolumn alias="Virtual Column" headerClassName="head" virtual="true"} {coltemplate}{/coltemplate} {/aricsvtablecolumn} {/aricsvtablecolumns} {aricsvtablecolumnspan row="-1,0,2,4" startIndex="0" endIndex="3"} {/aricsvtable}
Attached is a screenshot of what the data looks like now: