I have ARISmartContent 1.7.4 installed on my website
www.snowboardregion-nordwest.ch. I'm using it to generate list of various teams. See example here:
www.snowboardregion-nordwest.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=47&Itemid=125 (click on the tab "Teamrider").
As long as I am logged in (or other users are logged in), everything works fine. However, if a user is not logged in, only code like the following is shown:
{arijtablesorter defaultSorting="1:ASC" zebra=1 notSortableCols="0,3"} {arisqltable} {arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablecolumn id="cb_profil" alias="Profil" width="10%"} {arisqltablecolumn id="lastname" alias="Nachname"} {arisqltablecolumn id="firstname" alias="Vorname"} {arisqltablecolumn id="cb_wohnort" alias="Ort"} {arisqltablecolumn id="cb_fispunkteliste" alias="FIS"} {/arisqltablecolumn} {/arisqltablecolumns} {arisqltablequery} SELECT cb_profil AS Profil, concat (lastname, ' ', firstname) AS Name, cb_wohnort AS Wohnort, cb_fispunkteliste AS Resultate FROM jos_comprofiler WHERE cb_team02 LIKE 'Elite' ORDER BY lastname {/arisqltablequery} {/arisqltable} {/arijtablesorter}
What do I have to do to make the tables also work if a user is not logged in?