Each plugin from 'ARI Smart Content' contains examples of usage and description of all available parameters. You can find it in 'Description' field on plugin settings page or on our
demo site. For example, if you want to show tooltip with text 'Tooltip text' when a user move mouse over 'Element with tooltip' text, place the following code into an article or 'ARI Smart Content' module:
Code: |
{arijtooltip title="Tooltip title" tooltip="Tooltip text" delay="100" extraClass="fancy pretty"}
Element with tooltip
If you want to use plugins in other place, you can install 'System - ARI Smart Content' plugin instead of 'ARI Smart Content' content Joomla! plugin. This plugin is available on
ARI Smart Content page on F.A.Q. tab. 'ARI JTooltip' doesn't create tooltips for all links on a page, it replaces {arijtooltip} tag in Joomla! content with necessary tooltip.
ARI Soft