As a newbie in using ARI-software I did a litte experiment with ARI JData Table. With "normal Data" like the following it works fine :
{arijdatatable bPaginate="true" }</p>
<th>Spalte1</th> <th>Spalte 2</th> <th>Spalte 3</th> <th>Spalte 4</th>
but if I modify the value of C4/R4 ( into an email-adress it shows for a short Time the correct built table (without Style) and then I get a blank window only with the e-mail-Link on it (see attached file).
So I tried the same with .csv-File and other ARI components like ARI CSV Table, ARI JCSV 2 Table and wrapped ARI Table Sorter/ARI CSV Table.
They all work fine, even with e-mai-adresses!???
Is this my faulty use of ARI JData Table or a plugin-problem? Please try to give me a hint!
A second problem i recognized (see red arrow in picture) ist that the Table formatting of header and footer works dynamic, but not the Table rows. They seem to be of fixed width. How can I get them to dynamic-width?
Thanks an best regards