When I open the Component, menu CSS Templates, No Records Found.
When I go to diagnostics / System / Joomla Content Plugin --> Not installed or installed with errors (already tried to fix many times, tried to follow instructions but directory is missing).
Tried with this code:
(worked first time, now isn't working. At the first time, the table has no formatting, was ugly, now it doesn't appear)
{arisqltablecolumn id="Nome" alias="Nome" width="20%" className="idg"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="Endereco" alias="Endereco" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="cidade" alias="cidade" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="uf" alias="uf" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn id="cep" alias="cep" headerClassName="head"}
{arisqltablecolumn alias="Virtual Column" headerClassName="head" virtual="true" pos="1"}
{coltemplate}{$Nome} - {$Endereco} - {$cidade} - {$uf} - {$cep}{/coltemplate}
SELECT Nome, endereco, cidade, uf, cep, fones
FROM jos_chronoforms_cvnovo
Then tried the second option and doesn't read table
(see image attached)
SELECT Nome as Nome, endereco as Endereco, cidade as cidade, uf as uf, cep as cep, fones as fones
FROM jos_chronoforms_cvnovo
{arijtablesorter defaultSorting="1:DESC" zebra="TRUE"}
I realize that I need to open Joomla Editor for Article editing (I'm using JCE 1.5.6), then click on Edit Code, then Select Code then paste the code to try. Is it correct?
Please help me.