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Datatable - Fixed Left Column - Heading Labels
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TOPIC: Datatable - Fixed Left Column - Heading Labels
Datatable - Fixed Left Column - Heading Labels 3 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I am using ARI Smart Content version 2.3.3, Datatable with Joomla version 3.9.26. I am using four tables. The four tables behave alike. Table heading labels display properly before using any table’s horizontal scroll bar.

During horizontal scrolling, the heading columns to the right of the one fixed left column “shadow” behind the fixed left column heading. This behavior causes a heading readability issue. Rows behave as expected, that is, all rows below the heading “disappear” behind the fixed left row label during scrolling.

This is not a new issue but ongoing. I am just now attempting to resolve that issue and could use your guidance.

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-is not in production
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Re:Datatable - Fixed Left Column - Heading Labels 3 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762

Add the following CSS code to "CSS Styles" parameter in "ARI Smart Content - DataTable" module settings or add it to a site template CSS file if want to use it for several modules:

.DTFC_LeftWrapper th {background-color: #fff;}

ARI Soft
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Re:Datatable - Fixed Left Column - Heading Labels 3 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I added that CSS code to the website template custom.css file. That CSS code works nicely.

Thank you,
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