I use ARIJDIALOG and it works great, there is only one little bug. When I move with the cursor over the link ('Notiz erstellen') the cursor is still a arrow and not a hand like it is on other hands.
What could be the problem?
--> you have to login with user: test pw: test
relevant part of the implementation:
{arijdialog width="560" height="260" title="Notiz" resizable="true" draggable="true"}
{arijdicontent title="Modal dialog"}
if ($userid != 0)
$sql14 = new MySQL_class;
$sql14->query('SET NAMES utf8;');
$anzahl10 = $sql14->QueryItem("select count(*) from jos_aktionsfinder_MEINEAKTIONEN where IDUSER = $userid and SPARTE = '$spartenotiz'");
if ($anzahl10 == 0)
echo 'Notiz erstellen';
else if ($anzahl10 == 1)
echo 'Notiz bearbeiten';