Hello, I use ARI Stream Quiz PRO version for a couple of months and recently I faced a problem with it: This plugin sometimes doesn't send the results on people's emails and the results are also not shown on your plugin's Result tab too. And I made an integration with my Mailerlite account and people's emails don't appear there too!
The only way to cure this problem is when I delete cache (I use WP Fastest Cache plugin). But deleting cache helps for about 1-2 days (maybe even less, I am not sure), then the problem reappears.
Sometimes it didn't send the results from both mobile phones and PC's. Sometimes it didn't send the results only from mobile phones. Now I tried to get the results from my logged in admin account in Google Chrome and it worked, but when I switched to incognito mode in Google Chrome, or just used other web browsers where I am not logged in - and it doesn't send the results again. So I deleted cache and it started to work everywhere again!
So I guess, that the problem is with cache.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Here is an example where this problem occurs -
And just in case, I use an extra CSS code and JS code that you gave me. I will put them here:
CSS code:
body .asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-start-quiz {background-color: #0173be;}
body .asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-green {background-color: #0173be;}
.quiz-1 .quiz-result-wrapper {display:none!important;}
.quiz-2 .quiz-result-wrapper {display:none!important;}
.quiz-5 .quiz-result-wrapper {display:none!important;}
.quiz-6 .quiz-result-wrapper {display:none!important;}
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-facebook {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #3b5998 !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-twitter {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #55acee !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-gplus {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #dd4b39 !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-pinterest {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #bd081c !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-linkedin {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #0077b5 !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-vk {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #507299 !important; }
.asq-theme.asq-theme-buzzfeed .button.button-email {
color: #ffffff !important;
background: #7292a8 !important; }
JS code:
jQuery(function($) {
setTimeout(function() {
var quizzes = jQuery('.ari-stream-quiz').ariStreamQuiz();
if (!quizzes) return;
if (!(quizzes instanceof Array)) quizzes = [quizzes];
$.each(quizzes, function(idx, quiz) {
var showUserDataForm = quiz.showUserDataForm;
quiz.showUserDataForm = function(disableScroll) {
var $el = $('#' + this.options.prefix + '_user_data'),
$emailEl = $('[data-key="email"]', $el);
$emailEl.attr('autocomplete', 'email');
$emailEl.on('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
showUserDataForm.call(quiz, disableScroll);
}, 10);
I think that's all. Thanks in advance!