Hello, I'm having the same problem with Twitter sharing as this user:
When I share results on Facebook, the image changes based on the quiz score. This is as expected.
When I share results Twitter, the image does not change based on the quiz score.
If there is a quiz image, ARI Stream Quiz will share this image on Twitter no matter what the results are.
If there is no quiz image, but there is a featured image, the featured image will be shared on Twitter.
If there is no quiz image or no featured image, no images will be shared on Twitter.
I ran several tests with images in different locations. You can see the different images that are shared on Twitter and Facebook for the same quiz.
-results images (in results tab)
-quiz image (in settings tab)
-featured image (wordpress page settings)
-image in body
TEST1: results images, no quiz image, no featured image, no image in body
TEST5: results images, no quiz image, featured image, image in body
TEST6: results images, no quiz image, no featured image, image in body