So i purchased this plugin through codecanyon and realize that you no longer can purchase it from their. Which to be honest kind of worries me because what happened to have it where it is no longer able to be bought from there but the main problem i am having is becauise i only recieved item purchase code and not an API key I DO NOT recieve auto updates and since its no longer on codecanyon i cant download updates. I shoudnt be penalized becasue i bought it from there and not here right?
I am also having a huge problem because I just made a quiz and clicked the create post button and made a post and published it as a very rough draft to see how it looked etc. Here is the image of that screen -
I have messed with the settings every way i can think of and nothing is working. Has anyone had this issue before or can i get help?Literally anything will help at this point because i am at a loss.
Also what should i do about not being able to update the plugin? Because i really dont think i should be penalized or should have to buy the plugin again just because i bought it from codecanyon and not here....