Hi. I'm having a problem where an empty menu item appears to be showing up when I mouseover one of my submenus. I don't know what I could have possibly tweaked to cause this to occur. I'll link the modifications I've made to the css file so far:
Code: |
.yui-skin-sam .bd
background: #000000 !important;
border-style: none !important;
color: #FFFFFF !important;
background-image: none !important;
background-color: #3D3D3D !important;
.yui-skin-sam ul li a.yuimenubaritemlabel,
.yui-skin-sam .yuimenubarnav .yuimenubaritem,
.yui-skin-sam .yuimenubarnav
border-style: none !important;
As you can see, Google should appear right beneath Home, but there is an empty space for some reason, and I would like to delete that empty space. Thanks!