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Great, but 2 issues
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TOPIC: Great, but 2 issues
Great, but 2 issues 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Very impressed and happy with this module, it can do what I have been looking for on my website test.skhv.nl (which is the test environment for the www version).
I use Siteground-J15-125 as the template and have the top menu enabled only for registered visitors. I want this top menu to show dropdowns as well, so came in the YUI.

After a lot of fiddling I managed to have the YUI display on the good position (user3 in my case), disabled the original top menu module and changed template.css #pillmenu overflow from hidden to visible. This made the dropdowns visible and not hidden behind content.

So far so good, but it goes fine only when I am logged in as super administrator. When I login as a registered user and click on a dropdown item I don't go there, but instead return to the page telling me that I am logged in (!). Conflict with CB component maybe? Have CB 1.7.1 and run Joomla 1.5.23

Will mail you the login data directly.

Also a (small) issue with the height of the displayed YUI menu bar, it's higher than I want as you can see in the screenshot.
Any help appreciated

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Re:Great, but 2 issues 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762

About height, add the next CSS rule:


#pillmenu UL LI A.yuimenubaritemlabel
 height: 40px !important;
 line-height: 40px !important;

About problem with registered users, it doesn't seem like a problem with "ARI YUI Menu". It can be a problem with JUGA security rules or a problem with another extension.

ARI Soft
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Re:Great, but 2 issues 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Thanks for the quick reply, much appreciated.

The height issue has improved, I think I can tweak the underlying bar which is still a bit too high myself.

Unfortunately the forced return to the 'successful logged in' page instead to the page directed by the submenu is still there. I did uninstall Juga, but this made no difference.

This might help diagnosing the problem:

When I click on a submenu item pointing to a file instead of to another page then it works!

See 'secretariaat/smoelenboek' pointing to test.skhv.nl/content/SECR/wiw.pdf (works)
'vliegdienst/informatie' pointing to test.skhv.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=140&lang=nl (does not work). Now I noticed that this actual link differs from the one I specified in the top-menu module.... strange! I gave in there : test.skhv.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186 but this seems to be overwritten somewhere.

Last Edit: 2011/12/06 15:13 By bogeyman.
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Re:Great, but 2 issues 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 762
This is not a "ARI YUI Menu" issue, the module doesn't redirect to another page. Redirect causes by a 3rd party extension.

ARI Soft
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Re:Great, but 2 issues 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
Solved, you put me on the right track and I found the culprit.
It was Front End User Access, once disabled all submenu links work fine!

Thanks a lot!

Last Edit: 2011/12/06 16:13 By bogeyman.
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