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Transparent background (and some more)
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TOPIC: Transparent background (and some more)
Transparent background (and some more) 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
First of all: great looking menu. But I still have a few questions.

I'm trying to emulate the menu at icsfilm.org, and get as close to it as possible.

First question: is it possible to have the background image shining through like on that site, and if so, how do I do that in the CSS?

Second question: I've found how to create the line underneath each menuitem through
border-bottom: solid 1px #2D2D2D;
but it doesn't pick up the color. Also, when I add font-size or padding to that, nothing happens. How do I change them so it looks like on that site?

Third question: how do I get rid of the outside border of the menu?

I've looked at the CSS reference, but it is quite confusing for someone with very little CSS knowledge like myself
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Re: Transparent background (and some more) 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
Figured out questions two and three myself (hooray for Firebug!), but question one remains.
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Re: Transparent background (and some more) 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm getting closer and closer . I basically have everything the way I wanted, except I lost my submenu-indicator. I would think this:

{$id}.yui-skin-sam .yuimenu .bd UL LI.yuimenuitem-hassubmenu {
background-image: url(js/build/menu/assets/skins/sam/menuitem_submenuindicator.png);
background-position: right center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

would work, but unfortunately not. Any suggestions?

I also notice that the active menu is always in the 'active' color, even if the mouse isn't over the menu. Not a real problem, but is there a way to change that?

ETA: literally a minute after posting I found it. The above should have been:

{$id}.yui-skin-sam .yuimenu .bd UL LI A.yuimenuitemlabel-hassubmenu {

Once you figure the CSS out, this really is a thing of beauty .
Last Edit: 2010/04/25 19:33 By autje.
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Re: Transparent background (and some more) 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 762

Sorry for delay, all information about menu styles you can find here, it's described in this post.

ARI Soft
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