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Include the css in jamba template
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TOPIC: Include the css in jamba template
Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
This is a conflict with your template styles. Your template contains a lot of specific styles for top navigation menu position. Add the following CSS rules to <joomla_dir>/templates/js_jamba/css/style1.css file that fix it:


div#navmenu .yuimenubar ul ul
display: inherit;

div#navmenu .yuimenu ul

div#navmenu .yuimenu ul li
float: none;
margin: 0;

div#navmenu .yui-skin-sam .yuimenubar
border-style: none;

div#navmenu .yui-skin-sam .yuimenubaritemlabel

div#navmenu .yuimenubar li,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar .yuimenu li,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar li:hover .yuimenu li {
background: url(../images/style1/nav_norm_l.png) no-repeat bottom left;
div#navmenu .yuimenubar li a,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar .yuimenu li a,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar li:hover .yuimenu li a
background: url(../images/style1/nav_norm_r.png) no-repeat bottom right;
color: #fff;
cursor: pointer;

div#navmenu .yuimenubar li .yuimenu li:hover,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar li .yuimenu li.iehover
background: url(../images/style1/nav_hover_l.png) no-repeat bottom left;

div#navmenu .yuimenubar li .yuimenu li:hover a,
div#navmenu .yuimenubar li .yuimenu li.iehover a {
background: url(../images/style1/nav_hover_r.png) no-repeat bottom right;
color: #557f01;

ARI Soft
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Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Thank you.

I want to use the style of the module. I'll try to adapt it.

Best Regards,
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
I you want to use default menu styles, you can do the following:

1. Open index.php file of your template and replace the following HTML code:


<div id="navmenu">



<div id="navmenu1">

2. Add the following CSS rule to your template CSS file:


BODY #navmenu1 .yui-skin-sam
  margin: 8px 0pt 0pt 350px; 
  float: left;

ARI Soft
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0

One more question,
How can I remove px between various modules?

show the page:www.captiare.net/homecaptiare/

Best Regards,
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Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 762
You are welcome. For your case, use the following CSS rule:


  padding: 6px 0 0 10%;

and remove "margin: 6px 0 0 10%;" CSS property from "body #navmenu1 .yui-skin-sam" CSS rule.

ARI Soft
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Re:Include the css in jamba template 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Very Good.


How can I assign a different color when the menu is selected?

Best Regards,
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