I am trying to get rid of the border, but my css doesn't seem to it.
Also I would prefer to have just blue background for the background of the menu instead of using ANY graphic, on this particular site. That would include hover etc. Always the same color blue.
freevanrentals.com/ (development site)
Here's the live site and what I am trying to make the new menu look like:
Here is the css I am using in the module's css override box.
The support here is so amazing and helpful!
# .yuimenubar ul
position: relative;
left: -520px;
margin-top: 20px;
display: inline-block;
# .yuimenubar .yuimenu ul
height: 40px;
padding-top: 8px;
.yui-skin-sam ul li a.yuimenubaritemlabel,
body #{$id}.yui-skin-sam ul li a.yuimenubaritemlabel:link,
body #{$id}.yui-skin-sam ul li a.yuimenubaritemlabel:visited,
body #{$id}.yui-skin-sam ul li a.yuimenubaritemlabel:hover
border-width: 0;
padding-top: 1px;