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ARI zoom installation issues
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TOPIC: ARI zoom installation issues
ARI zoom installation issues 14 Years ago Karma: 0
We have purchased your joomla module ari-zoom but we have issues with the installation:

1. your download/installation instructions mention to generate a licensekey using a link/button on your site. This button/link we could not find we only see a download link. Is this maybe an outdated instruction?

2. we see no instruction as how to get the magnifier/zoom working. we altered thumbs size etc all to no avail, the zoom only show a portion of the original image but in same 'depth' we want it to be magnified as shown in your demo. could you please provide instructions as how to get this done?

3. we want to be able to use ari-zoom on single images but neither the module nor the plugin work with single images. could you please help getting this right?

Thank you for your time and help in this matter.

link to try:


you will see 2 instances 1 with arizoom anywhere using image directories, where you see wtf is where supposedly the single image should appear

statements used:

<p>Warmte therapie</p>
{arizoom activeType="imglist" dir="images/stories/warmtetherapie"}{/arizoom}
{arizoom src="images/stories/food/milk.jpg"}{/arizoom}
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Re:ARI zoom installation issues 14 Years ago Karma: 762

"ARI Zoom" doesn't require any license key since v. 2.0.0. About other questions, provide your order number by email please because we can't find any orders assigned with your login.

ARI Soft
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Re:ARI zoom installation issues 14 Years ago Karma: 762
Download and upgrade "ARI Zoom" module please. After this use the following code for single image:


{arizoom thumbWidth="100" activeType="singleimage" src="images/stories/food/milk.jpg"}{/arizoom}

"thumbWidth" parameter can be omitted if it is defined into "System - ARI Sexy Lightbox Anywhere" plugin settings ("Single Image -> Thumbnail width" and "Single Image -> Thumbnail height" parameters).

ARI Soft
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Re:ARI zoom installation issues 14 Years ago Karma: 0
Thank you for your reply, we will update as mentionened and include /modify parameters.

We will let you know of the outcome in a bitt
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Re:ARI zoom installation issues 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
this is not working...

explain in details... please
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Re:ARI zoom installation issues 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 762

What exactly doesn't work?

ARI Soft
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