Documentation how to use the extension can be found in module/plugin settings page in "Description" field. If you want to create thumbnail and add zoom effect for single image, check that "Content - ARI Zoom" plugin is configured and enabled. After this place the next code into an article:
Code: |
{arizoom src="PATH_TO_IMAGE" thumbWidth="150"}{/arizoom}
For example if you want to show <joomla_directory>/photos/album/photo_01.jpg image, place the next code into an article:
Code: |
{arizoom src="photos/album/photo_01.jpg" thumbWidth="150"}{/arizoom}
If you use WYSIWYG editor, switch it to plain text mode before inserting plugin code because editors can add extra HTML code and decode some HTML code and it can break plugin code.
ARI Soft