Hi, not sure if my screenshot .jpg's have attached properly?
Basically just trying to setup a single image as per the example on
Instead of a nice zoomed popup I just get a link to open the image in a new window (
Demo site
testa.comuf.com/index.php/contact )
Haven't really changed default settings, all seems fairly simple.
The image is from the same server as the website.
The code I used to get the image there was from another thread {arizoom activeType="singleimage" src="/images/mtfield.jpg" thumbWidth="200"}{/arizoom}
As {arizoom moduleId="<moduleId>"}{/arizoom} seems to do nothing for me (joomla 2.5)
Any suggestions on how to change what I've done to give my image the same zoom function as the example would be appreciated, thanks