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MailerLite Group Issue
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"Contact Form 7 Connector" WordPress plugin
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TOPIC: MailerLite Group Issue
MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 0
Hello how are you? I am writing to you because I have a problem that I cannot solve.

When the form is sent, the contact enters MailerLite and the fields are completed correctly, however the contact is not assigned to the group that I request, in fact it does not belong to any group.

The debug shows me the following:

[2023-02-08 15:28:48] cf7connector_system.ERROR: "Formulario Principal" [616]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {"email":"mordkowicz@gmail.com","name":"Federico","lists":{"79394067738264750":{"id":"79394067738264750","fields":{"phone":"+5491138046189","country":"Argentina","city":"CABA","sitio_web":"www.fedemordkowicz.com","antiguedad_del_negocio":"Menos de un año","facturacion_bruta":"Aún No Factura","necesidad_principal":"Conseguir Los Primeros Clientes"}}}} []

I hope you can help me, even if this has a cost.
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Re:MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 762

This error can occur on MailerLite side if an invalid data are sent (e.g. an incorrect email or phone in a bad format). Could you provide a temporary access to your WordPress backend by email and link to form for subscription so we can investigate the problem in more details?

ARI Soft
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Re:MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 0
Sure! I send you what you requested by email.

Thank you so much.
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Re:MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 0
Hello again. Did you have time to review my situation? I did Mail the access credentials.

Thank you!
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Re:MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 0
Hello again. Did you have time to review my situation? I did Mail the access credentials.

Thank you!
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Re:MailerLite Group Issue 2 Years ago Karma: 762
MailerLite returned 422 error code. It means something is wrong with data and they can not be validated. Unfortunately MailerLite doesn't send in response what exactly wrong. We tried different approached, but it returns only common message. You can try to contact MailerLite support so they specify why API requests with your API key can not be handled.

ARI Soft
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