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ARI Smart Content 1.1.0 is available

New version 1.1.0 of ARI Smart Content is available.

It contains three new plugins: ARI Fancy Thumbnail, ARI JZoom, ARI Magnifier:
  • ARI Fancy Thumbnail - plugin provides ability to create thumbnails
  • ARI JZoom - plugin lets you to show a magnifier window near the image
  • ARI Magnifier - plugin brings nice magnification effect to your images and lets you view pictures in detail

Demo here

ARI Smart Content is a powerful wrapper on various widgets and gadgets. You don’t need technical knowledge to use the power of different pluggable effects in your Joomla! system. Idea of ARI Smart content is to create a tool that combines various content effects like:
  • ARI Fancy Thumbnail - plugin provides ability to create thumbnails
  • ARI JZoom - plugin lets you to show a magnifier window near the image
  • ARI Magnifier - plugin brings nice magnification effect to your images and lets you view pictures in detail
  • ARI JAccordion - an expandable/collapsible content pane
  • ARI JCSV2Table plugin - convert .csv file to html table: displaying content of CVS (comma separated values) file as a table
  • ARI JDataTable - data table - presents information in tabular view
  • ARI JFancyBox - Fancybox popup
  • ARI JFlexGrid - data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers
  • ARI JScroller - scrolling area with specified content
  • ARI JTableSorter - sortable table
  • ARI JTabView - tabbed content – displays tabbed content: HTML or URL
  • ARI JTooltip - tooltips
  • ARI MooTable
  • ARI SQLtable - render table by data from SQL query
  • ARI Typeface - displays text in appropriate font using canvas tag
  • ARI ZohoSheet - online sheets
  • ARI ZohoShow - online presentations
  • ARI JDialog - dialog with specified content
  • ARI MooNewsTicker - Scrolls news using number of settings